December 22, 2013

Christmas week has arrived!  For many reasons I have not been on the ball with my shopping and still have to slog through the rain, traffic and crowds only to bump shoulders with all the other slackers caught in the Tsunami of gift buying!  Ugh! Now I have to dig deep, reaching for the true meaning of Christmas joy. My word this week is HALLELUJAH!

Hallelujah is an old-timey word of praise. It was used by David in the Psalms. It is a divinely inspired emotion which bubbles to the surface in a single word.  It works its way to your lips from the inside out. It is uncontainable…Hallelujah.

This past Tuesday morning was a perfect lead into the Winter Solstice.  The sun was sparkling through the trees, the breeze was gentle, and the sky was an amazing shade of azure.  This was the day that a small group of women had chosen to walk the labyrinth set upon a hill next to the Veteran’s cemetery in Knoxville.  From the beginning it was an incredible experience.  As we singularly walked our path to the center we were each lost in our own personal prayer, meditation, or contemplation… the moment.  It was beautifully silent; we could only hear our footsteps softly padding, making their way within. Suddenly overhead, seemingly out of nowhere, was a magnificent “V” of geese honking their joy, celebrating their flight … Hallelujah!  It was a powerful and indelible moment; a poignant connection with God’s creatures.  Hallelujah indeed!

Where do we find our own personal Hallelujahs? I believe when we connect to love and gratitude, there are many many silent Hallelujahs waiting to be tapped. Think of the times you have been knocked down and got back up…Hallelujah! You have overcome illness… you have given birth… you have helped another in crisis.  Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah; a jubilant affirmation of hope and belief.

Now “Tis the season”, throw open your arms and rejoice:  HALLELUJAH!

“Here is a test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished:  If you’re alive it isn’t! “ Unknown

You Can Literally Feel Christmas During This Moving Performance of ‘Hallelujah’ – LiftBump   Click and enjoy

With Christmas love,
