
Trusting our inner guidance and experience engages our authenticity and strength. (May 1 post)

Trusting our inner guidance and experience is:

Surrender; loosening the grip to allow life to unfold; letting go and believing beyond a shadow of a doubt we are given everything we need for each moment. Just as we have the air we breathe with each breath.

When we are full throttle, grasping as tight as we can and become utterly focused on controlling any situation, the still quite voice of our inner guidance is unable to be heard. By releasing control and allowing ourselves to float on the current of life’s events, a flow of spiritual assistance becomes accessible to us at all times.  We are centered in our essence in the present moment.

Instruction from our past experiences is available to guide us when we are open to the present moment. Not only our brains, but also our bodies have memory cells storing an infinite amount of information to help us adapt to any circumstance when needed.

Trusting our inner guidance and experience allows us to embrace the whole of life engaging our body, mind and spirit. We are then totally present in the moment as our authentic self and operating from our strength.

Trust in yourself.  Your perceptions are often far more accurate than you are willing to believe.  Claudia Black


photo credit: pallina60 Loon via photopin cc